Terms and Conditions of Credit
Nobody's Princess Pty Ltd
Please read these terms and conditions of use carefully. These terms and conditions may have changed since your last visit to this site. By using this site, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, then do not use this site.
These Terms and Conditions of Credit (Terms) apply to the establishment, operation and use of the Applicant’s credit account with Nobody's Princess Pty Ltd. ABN 37 654 677 237, acceptance of which is evidenced by the Applicant’s execution of the New Customer Credit Account Application Form (Application)
1. The Applicant warrants that the information provided in the Application is accurate, correct and complete and is supplied for the purposes of obtaining credit.
Where the Applicant is a trustee, the Applicant warrants that it is the only trustee of the trust and will remain trustee of the trust, it is not aware of any action having been taken to remove it as trustee of the trust, it has the power under the trust deed to enter into and observe its obligations under these Terms and the assets of the trust shall be available to meet payment of any monies due and owing to Nobody's Princess Pty Ltd..
The Applicant will notify Nobody's Princess Pty Ltd. no later than 14 days after any change of ownership, change in particulars, any alteration or addition to shareholders or directors, and any change, alteration or addition in the Applicant’s internal structure and senior management.
The Applicant consents to Nobody's Princess Pty Ltd. collecting, disclosing and exchanging personal information about them for the purpose of assessing the Applicant’s or Guarantor’s credit application, credit worthiness and credit information (including for the purpose of seeking information from a credit reporting agency and referees provided in this Application). The information which may be given includes particulars of the Applicant’s identity, the fact that the Applicant has applied for credit and the amount of such credit and information about any defaults by the Applicant. The Applicant further consents to Nobody's Princess Pty Ltd. disclosing information about the Applicant to its subsidiaries, parent company agents and advisers. Customer information may also be used by Nobody's Princess Pty Ltd. for account servicing and direct marketing purposes.
The parties agree that these Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Victoria and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of that State.
Nobody's Princess Pty Ltd. Terms and Conditions of Sale, a copy of which is located at https://nobodysprincess.com.au/policies/terms-of-service is incorporated into these Terms and shall apply in respect of all sales made to the Applicant.
Nobody's Princess Pty Ltd.’s Terms and Conditions of Credit and Terms and Conditions of Sale form the agreement between the parties and are binding on the parties. These Terms and Conditions of Credit and Terms and Conditions of Sale will prevail over any subsequent document issued by the Customer. If the Application is received in electronic format, it is constituted as an original document.
For Commercial Credit Application Form please click here (pdf).